Autonomo - Installation via UI

Instructions for installing Autonomo via the MSI UI & Troubleshooting Guide


You must have admin rights to install, repair or uninstall the Autonomo application.

Autonomo requires a minimum of 400 mb of disk space available.

There are three ways you can install Autonomo:

  1. Autonomo - Installation via UI - this page
  2. Autonomo - Command line (quiet) installation options
  3. Autonomo - Intune setup info

The device Autonomo is being installed on MUST have Wi-Fi enabled.  

During installation, Wi-Fi or Ethernet MUST be connected so that the Asset created on the Troverlo platform can be auto-provisioned.

Please see the below to find more details when installing Autonomo:

Steps for Installing Autonomo on an Asset

  1. Download Autonomo
    1. This same link can be accessed by selecting the last option on the Navigation panel of the Portal.

  2. Launch TroverloAutonomoV<x.y.z>.msi
    1. <x.y.z> is the version number for example TroverloAutonomoV3.0.12.msi
  3. Enter your Trovelro user credentials here
  4. Click "next"
  5. If you see this, press OK, then go back to step 3

  6. Required
    1. Select a Category
    2. Select a Sub-category
    3. See Autonomo - Asset Category and Asset Sub-Category options for more info.
  7. Optional
    1. Asset Group
      1. Enter the name of a Group in the textbox and click the “+” button.
      2. If you enter a group that doesn’t currently exist, it will be created
      3. To remove a group, click on the item in the list and then click on the “-” button.
      4. See Autonomo - Asset Groups for more info on why to use Asset Groups.
    2. Guest Network
      1. If this is selected, the SSID will say "Guest Network" instead of "Troverlo" - this is a new feature of the 3.x release.
  8. Click “Continue”
  1. Select “next”

    1. Please read and then select “I accept..” on the EULA, then click "Next."
    1. Select the Destination and click "Next"

    1. Select "Install" it will start the installation

    1. If you see this, please select “yes” on this screen
    1. if you need to stop the installation, select "Cancel"
    1. Select “Finish”

  2. Now, all the Autonomo files will be installed, and it will Auto-provision itself on the Troverlo platform.
  3. About 2 minutes after the installation is complete, you should be operationally ready.
  4. Please check the Notification Center for any errors during Auto-provisioning.
    1. image-png-Nov-10-2023-11-32-32-4855-PM

Steps for upgrading an existing Autonomo to a new release

  1. Download Autonomo
    1. This same link can be accessed by selecting the last option on the Navigation panel of the Portal.

  2. Launch TroverloAutonomoV<x.y.z>.msi
    1. <x.y.z> is the version number for example TroverloAutonomoV3.0.12.msi
  3. With the 3.x release, credentials are no longer required and the process is simplified
    1. Select "Next"
    1. Select "Install"
    1. If need to stop install, press "Cancel"
    1. Select "Finish" 
  4. All the old files will be removed, all new Autonomo files will be installed, and it will Auto-provision itself on the Troverlo platform.
  5. About 2 minutes after the installation is complete, you should be operationally ready.
  6. Please check the Notification Center for any errors during Auto-provisioning.
    1. image-png-Nov-10-2023-11-32-32-4855-PM

Steps for Repairing Autonomo

  1. Find where TroverloAutonomoV3.0.12.msi is stored and then launch it
    1. Select "Next"
    1. Select "Repair"
    1. Select "Repair"
    1. If you see this, please select “yes” on this screen
    1. Select “Finish”

  2. Now, all the Autonomo files will be repaired, and it will Auto-provision itself on the Troverlo platform.


Steps for Uninstalling Autonomo

  1. With the 3.x release the asset owner cannot uninstall Autonomo.
  2. To uninstall, the asset must have internet connectivity and must have valid credentials to the Troverlo platform.
  3. Please Autonomo - Command line (quiet) installation options and search for uninstall.


Troubleshooting if you have problems installing Autonomo

    Please reference the Autonomo Troubleshooting Guide if you encounter issues not addressed above or you may contact Troverlo Support via our Support Center .