Autonomo - Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Guide for installing Autonomo on a device including download, installation, and initial location data.

  1. Most Common Troubleshooting Issues:
    1. Why won't my Autonomo App download or install?
      1. Possible Solutions:
        1. Confirm you have the most recent version of Autonomo.  The most recent publish version can be found at the following link:  Autonomo Download.
        2. Confirm the user doing the install has admin rights on the device to install, repair or uninstall the Autonomo application.
        3. Confirm the Autonomo download file corresponds to the Operating System of the device (ex. Windows)
        4. Confirm 400mb of disk space is available for the Autonomo download.
        5. Confirm the device that Autonomo is being installed on has Wi-Fi enabled.
          1. Note: Although Wi-Fi must be enabled and on, the Wi-Fi does NOT need to be connected to a network SSID as long as the device can access the internet via other means (i.e. ethernet).
        6. During installation, the device must be connected to the internet (via Wi-Fi or Ethernet) so that the Asset created on the Troverlo platform can be auto-provisioned.
        7. Are there existing (unrelated) programs installed on the device that may be limiting or blocking Autonomo functionality? If so, please allow or whitelist Autonomo in the relevant program. 
          1. Common programs that could be blocking Autonomo functionality are:
            1. Anti-Virus Software (ex. McAfee)
            2. Encryption Software (ex. BitLocker)
            3. Firewalls
            4. MDM Platforms
            5. Any other security program or rule not listed above
            6. Any other program than can limit Autonomo access listed below.
          2. To properly install and function, Autonomo requires the ability to access:
            1. The internet
            2. Troverlo APIs via HTTPS and MQTT
            3. Enabled Wi-Fi Direct Adapters
            Any 3rd party programs blocking the above access could impact Autonomo.

    2. Why didn't Autonomo find my device's location after I installed it?
      1. Possible Solutions:
        1. The first location data point could take up to 5-8 minutes to appear in the platform.  If no location has appeared after 8 minutes from install, please see other solutions below.
        2. Confirm the device that Autonomo is being installed on has a Wi-Fi adapter.
        3. Confirm the Wi-Fi adapter is enabled and Wi-Fi is turned on.
        4. Was the asset created in the Troverlo portal?  If not, please see "Why won't my Autonomo App download or install?"  instructions above.  During installation, Wi-Fi or Ethernet MUST be connected so that the Asset (ie device) created on the Troverlo platform can be auto-provisioned.
        5. Are there existing (unrelated) programs installed on the same device that may be limiting or blocking Autonomo functionality or access to the internet or the wi-fi adapter? If so, please allow or whitelist Autonomo in the relevant program. Common programs that could be blocking Autonomo functionality are:
          1. Anti-Virus Software (ex. McAfee)
          2. Encryption Software (ex. BitLocker)
          3. Firewalls
          4. MDM Platforms
          5. Any other security program or rule not listed above
        6. Is the device located in a remote area without other nearby Wi-Fi devices or signals?  Initial location is most often determined by triangulating the device's location based on surrounding Wi-Fi signals.  If these signals do not exist, a location may not be found quickly.

        7. ONLY for Devices running Windows11 24H2 or later:  Windows Location Services must be active for Autonomo to scan for the location . If you are not sure which Windows operating system version the device is running, search for "About Your PC" in the Windows task bar, scroll down to "Windows Specifications", and it will display the version.

  1. Advanced Troubleshooting
    1. Alternatively, if you have an issue with the installation, a switch can be added to log information to a log file that will provide more information to identify a resolution. You can always reach out to Troverlo support in our Support Portal for assistance.
    2. Open a command prompt - click on the "windows key," type "cmd", and select "run as an administrator." 
    3. Click "yes"
    4. Navigate to where you downloaded the install problem (most likely the downloads folder)
      1. At the command line, type: cd \users\<username>\downloads, for example in the picture below, my username is "mark"
    5. At the command line, type: troverloautonomov3.0.12.msi /l autonomo-install.log
    6. This will launch the UI install, but it will log each step to a log file
    7. The log file autonomo-install.log will be in that same directory that launched the installer. It is a text file, so it can be opened with any editor or Word. Please send the autonomo-install.log file via Troverlo Support so we can help diagnose the issue.