The tag has a small footprint and can be attached to any powered asset. The barrel connector creates flexibility for the tag to be connected via pig tails (hardwired), USB, or any other connection type. Beacons every 100ms when powered and requires 5-40v DC power and should be connected to circuits that receive power when the equipment is in operation.
Customers are attaching host powered tags to vehicles, all terrain vehicles, fork lifts, generators, pumps, and more. This tag should be used on equipment that is used daily or weekly and connected to a circuit with constant power for always on operation. |
The tag can be attached to any powered asset and has the added capabilities of capturing engine runtime and providing up to three days of visibility even when the asset is not powered. The tag can be wired directly the assets or connected via USB. Tag requires 5v-16v DC power and should be connected to circuits that receive power when the equipment is in operation. It beacons every 100ms when powered or every 2,500ms when on back-up battery.
Customers are attaching host powered with battery backup tags to vehicles, all terrain vehicles, fork lifts, generators, pumps, and more. Essentially, any powered vehicle or equipment can be tracked and have its engine run time collected! |
The tag enables any asset – powered or unpowered - to be tracked. Roughly the size of two AA batteries, the tag can be placed inside a small NEMA enclosure to make it ruggedized and waterproof. It can be configured to have 1 month (2.3s beacon interval) to 2 years (65s beacon interval) of battery life on two AA batteries.
Customers are attaching battery tags to trailers, generators, portable toilets, job boxes, and high value materials. The easy installation enables any asset to be quickly tracked! |
The tag reader can be attached to a vehicle for mobile tracking or in a static location for coverage of a specific area. The tag reader reports both its current location as well as the location of all Troverlo tags within 100-300 yards. The tag can be wired directly into a vehicle, be powered by a solar panel/battery setup, or external power via USB.
Customers are attaching mobile readers onto their vehicles to observe assets on or near the vehicle. In addition, static readers are being used to provide visibility into when assets are in a certain area of a building or yard. |